The Season of Alternatives

Susan and I ride from March/April to October/November.

When we were still working we rode most weekends and took short, one hour rides some week nights. When we became retired we rode two to four full rides most weeks.

By mid September I was riding to avoid going back to the gym. Susan was riding because I was. We were getting tired of the season earlier and earlier.

So, this year we are trying something new.

Because we can ride most any day we want, we figure if we miss some weekends or even a week here and there, we may enjoy the season more and longer.

Option one happened April 25th and 26th.

  • We rode on Thursday and kept Friday as an option for riding.
  • On Friday, Saturday and Sunday we went to the AMC (Appalachain Moutain Club) Spring Fling in Camp Mohican, bordering Delaware Water Gap National Park.
  • We took three hikes, each successively longer, each of the three days.
  • We ate as much as we do on bike weekends.

I did not miss my cycling. I had a great time.  More alternative activities to come.

Not Cycling, Yet Smiling tn 100 2504 jpg

Above: stream bed, beer and snack on the porch by the lake, after a hie.,

More photos are here.

If anyone else out there has tried mixing it up during cycling season, let me know what you did.
